Here's How To Start Healing Your Pets At Home Safely and Easily, And How To Start Saving Money At The Vet Today

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Getting Started Kit
Sunday, Mar 9, 2025
Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM
Dear fellow pet lover,
If you're one of the many of thousands of pet owners who have yet to start healing their dog or cat at home, then I urge you to read this letter.
Our dogs and cats get sick, requiring veterinary care. Some pets more than others.
But veterinary care can be expensive, and the experience isn’t always pleasant for pet owners, and their pets.
- The current average cost for ONE SINGLE VISIT to the Vet Clinic is $180.00.
- The average yearly Vet Bill for one dog is $395.00, and $244.00 for one cat (AVMA, 2006).
And if you have more than one pet? The average annual bill for multiple pet households is over $1000.00.
In my nearly 20 years of veterinary practice, I saw too many pets and their owner's suffer because they relied exclusively on their veterinarian to receive medical care.
Sometimes pet owners...
- Delay bringing their pet in for treatment because the pet becomes ill after hours.
- Rely exclusively on harsh drug treatments because they (and their vets) are unaware of effective, gentle, natural ways to treat their pet.
- Discontinue treatment for chronic illnesses because it's complicated or expensive.
- Aren't able to afford an office visit and or follow up treatment.
If this describes you, or if you have been looking for an alternative to conventional veterinary care, then I have something you may be interested in.
The Veterinary Secrets Revealed Getting Started Kit is a beginning course on how to start treating your pet at home.
I've found that although many people want to treat their pets at home - for reasons including saving money on trips to their vet, to improving the bond with their pet - many do not know where to begin.
I do have a much larger, comprehensive home study course (my Veterinary Secrets Revealed Complete Home Study Course) - but many find it daunting, as it seems like too much to learn, or perhaps out of reach of their budget.
In an attempt to address this, I`ve compiled videos and e-booklets to show the very basic techniques - to show you how easy it is to begin.
It is my hope that once you see how simple and beneficial it can be, you'll take more of a direct role in your pet's health care. I am, and always have been, a very strong advocate of you, the pet owner, taking charge of your pet's health - it is my goal to make you an empowered pet owner. Question what your Vet (and anyone else, for that matter) tells you about your pet - don't just let others make decisions for you.
Veterinary Secrets Revealed Getting Started Kit
The Getting Started Kit contains:
Healing Your Pets At Home Video
(Video Download)

90 minute video introduction to at-home pet health care - covers the benefits of natural home health care, how and where to start at-home healing, introduction to the at-home exam, and a discussion of the basic healing modalities.
The At-Home Pet Health Exam Tutorial Video
(Video Download)

45 minute detailed tutorial video on how to perform an exam on your pets, at home.
Healing Modalities Video
(Video Download)

45 minute video on the 4 main healing modalities: Homeopathy, Herbs, Massage and Acupressure. Includes discussion and demonstration of each healing modality.
Healing Your Pets with Herbs
(e-Book Download)

- Herb Preparations
- Top 16 Herbs Used in Veterinary Medicine
- Nutritive Tonics
- Drug Interactions, Side-Effects, and Contraindications
- How to Incorporate Herbs in Treating Your Dog or Cat
- Herbal Remedies For Specific Dog and Cat Diseases
Healing Your Pets With Homeopathy
(e-Book Download)

- Background (History, Explanation, Theory)
- Case Analysis and Choosing a Remedy
- Handling and Administering Remedies
- Common Homeopathic Remedies
- Top 20 Illnesses with Homeopathic Remedies
- Vaccine Alternatives with Homeopathy
Healing Your Pets With Massage
(e-Book Download)

- Healing With Massage
- Types Of Massage
- Step By Step Pet Massage Treatment
- Common Dog And Cat Conditions That Benefit From Massage
Healing Your Pets With Acupressure
(e-Book Download)

- Healing With Acupressure
- Step By Step Pet Acupressure Treatment
- Phases Of Treatment
- Post Treatment
- Acupressure Points
- Acupressure Treatments For Specific Conditions
Getting Started Kit Guide
(e-Book Download)

A brief introduction to the course, also includes the At-Home Pet Health Exam Guide and Worksheets you can print out to help when performing an exam on your own pet(s).
Read on your e-Reader or Mobile Device!
The e-books are available in all e-Reader formats: ePub for iBooks (iPad/iPhone/iPod), Nook, Kobo, Sony, etc, and mobi for Kindle or your Kindle App, as well as PDF for your laptop or desktop computer. Also, the Videos are in .mp4 format, so you can watch them on your computer as well as upload all of them to your tablet or other mobile device to watch at your convenience.
My Personal Guarantee
I want you to feel secure when you order from me. I offer All of my materials completely RISK FREE to you: either my books and videos help you, or you get all of your money back.
I want to be sure you have the time to really try some of the remedies and learn the material I'm offering you here - I want you to really discover the value and make sure this will work for you and your pet, in a completely risk free way. So I'm giving you a

Order Below Now!
This incredibly LOW price will be OVER in 7 days, so act today! After 7 days, the price will go up to $19.97. Click here to order now!
You know it's the right thing to do for your pet. And on top of the LOW PRICE, you have 60 Days to see if this information works for you (you can get your money back at any time within that 60 days!).
I look forward to hearing about your pet's improved health, happiness, and vitality!
To your pet's good health,
Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM
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